
Big Data Alone Won’t Help Students

Big Data Alone Won’t Help Students by Brad C. Phillips and Jordan E. Horowitz in the Chronicle of Higher Education, points out that the information that comes out of big-data systems must be usable, useful, and actionable by educators who know how to make sense of it. This article was first published in the Chronicle of Higher Education Special Report on the Digital Campus, April 2017, highlighting the work top innovators are undertaking and where it is leading.

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Data Use and Coaching in Hawaii

IEBC’s Brad Phillips and Jordan Horowitz continued IEBC data use and academic planning support services as part of its contract with the Hawaii Department of Education to introduce its data use model, provide workshops followed by coaching over two-years. The workshops and coaching were designed to ensure the required academic plans had measurable leading indicators, providing progress markers for the big goals of high school graduation and college and career readiness.

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Lehigh Carbon Community College

IEBC President Brad Phillips, at Lehigh Carbon Community College in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania on January 12, presenting a keynote address on “Data Use and Courageous Conversations” followed by working sessions on high impact research-based practices and high impact practices focused on improving student success, retention and persistence.

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Lakeshore Technical College

IEBC President Brad Phillips at Lakeshore Technical College, Wisconsin on January 10, with a keynote address on Demystifying Data, followed by workshops on “The Psychology of Data Use” and “How to Tell Your Story With Data.”

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PromiseNet 2016 in Washington, DC

IEBC President Brad Phillips and Vice President Jordan Horowitz were panelist/presenters on College Retention, Persistence, and Completion:  Powerful Practices for College Success and in the Promise Program Evaluation Lab.

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National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP)

In a conference presentation titled “Beyond Graduation Rates: Leading and Lagging Indicators for Concurrent Enrollment,” Jordan Horowitz, Institute for Evidence-Based Change vice president, presented a unique data use model that includes the latest research on human judgment, decision-making and organizational habits and the problem of focusing on lagging indicators such as graduation rates.

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Why it is Better to Lead Than Lag

Imagine being made to follow the speed limit, but denied access to a speedometer – only learning how fast you are going after the police officer pulls you over and gives you a ticket. And when you protest, you’re told you should have been watching your gas gauge. That’s how it is in education. We post the signs for what we want performance to be and publicly report offenders, but do not provide educators with the right gauges for monitoring needs and providing timely responses. Drivers of education need indicators they can respond to in time to make a difference for students. Leading and Lagging Indicators Defined Why is it so hard to make a difference in outcomes? The problem could be the kind of indicator we are expected to use. Typically we use lagging indicators. Lagging indicators are our big goals, the long-term impact we hope to achieve: graduation rates, persistence to degree. These are important, but it is difficult to affect these indicators directly in any meaningful way....

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