
Creating Data Faculty Can Use in Inside Higher Ed

Creating Data Faculty Can Use, in Inside Higher Ed, features an Ashley A. Smith interview with IEBC President/CEO Brad Phillips and Vice President Jordan Horowitz about their book, Creating a Data-Informed Culture in Community Colleges: A New Model for Educators. In the article, Smith discusses with Phillips and Horowitz the amount and quality of the data available to community colleges. Read the entire Q&A session in Creating Data Faculty Can Use.

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Moving the Needle on Community College Student Success

America’s community colleges work hard to serve their students. Dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators put in countless hours and commit their professional lives to improving student outcomes. But working hard does not mean that their efforts are making a demonstrable difference in student success. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the graduation rate within 150 percent of normal time from first institution attended for first-time, full-time degree/certificate-seeking students at two-year postsecondary institutions has remained fairly constant for the past thirteen years, ranging from 30.5 to 34.0 percent (2005 and 2008 cohorts, respectively). The most recent cohort (2012 first term) has a rate of 31.6 percent. While part-time student data is not available, community college educators know that the college completion rate for these students is much lower than their full-time student counterparts.

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Big Data Alone Won’t Help Students

Big Data Alone Won’t Help Students by Brad C. Phillips and Jordan E. Horowitz in the Chronicle of Higher Education, points out that the information that comes out of big-data systems must be usable, useful, and actionable by educators who know how to make sense of it. This article was first published in the Chronicle of Higher Education Special Report on the Digital Campus, April 2017, highlighting the work top innovators are undertaking and where it is leading.

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Data Use and Coaching in Hawaii

IEBC’s Brad Phillips and Jordan Horowitz continued IEBC data use and academic planning support services as part of its contract with the Hawaii Department of Education to introduce its data use model, provide workshops followed by coaching over two-years. The workshops and coaching were designed to ensure the required academic plans had measurable leading indicators, providing progress markers for the big goals of high school graduation and college and career readiness.

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