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We Achieve The


Helping Colleges and Universities Drive Student Success

Colleges and universities that implement Caring Campus
see increases in retention, persistence, and graduation rates for all students!

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the Caring Campus Institutionalization and Sustainability Guidebook

Informing Decisions  ·  Improving Practice  ·  Increasing Student Success

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Caring Campus

With Caring Campus, we coach college faculty and staff to implement behaviors that increase student connectedness, which leads to increased student success for all.

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Know Us

IEBC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping education stakeholders ensure student connectedness, use actionable data to make informed decisions, and act to increase success for all students.

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IEBC helps people and organizations make sense of data and turn it into useful, usable, and actionable information for making decisions that lead to student success for all.

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Dr. Dan Walden on Building a Culture of Care at Victor Valley College

Dr. Dan Walden, president of Victor Valley College, highlights the transformative impact of Caring Campus, emphasizing how a culture of care has played a pivotal role in making Victor Valley the fastest growing community college in California.

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