Marquez Remembers Being in Student’s Shoes
Desi Marquez was the first person in his family to attend college. Today he is well on the way to earning his Ph.D. But he still vividly recalls how unsure and confused he was about the college application process as a high school senior. “The idea of college is something I wanted to do, but I assumed they would come to me,” says Marquez. “My mom and dad didn’t have a notion of what a student should do to prepare to go to college.” Marquez was fortunate to cross paths with Arizona State University recruiter Yira Thorne. Twenty-six years later, he still recalls how she took a personal interest in Marquez’s success, helping him apply and pursue financial aid. Marquez was admitted and received a full scholarship. Once on campus, Marquez says, “She really cared. I came from a small town. Going to a big university was a shock to me. She must have picked up on that and took me under her wing… She was an angel in a sense.” Today, Marquez finds himself in a similar role as a...
Serendipity Leads to IEBC Book
A serendipitous search for a better way to support her Hinds Community College (Raymond, Mississippi) colleagues in her role as Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness led Dr. Carley Dear to a new tool providing her with an entirely new approach to fostering student success. The tool was the book Creating A Data-Informed Culture in Community Colleges, written by Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) President and CEO Dr. Brad Phillips, and IEBC Vice President Jordan Horowitz. Dr. Dear was intrigued by its premise and ordered a copy. With nearly 100 different initiatives underway under the student success banner at Hinds Community College, Dr. Dear had grown frustrated with her efforts to determine which programs were working, and why. Lagging vs. Leading Indicators an Eye-Opener “I was drawn to the chapter on leading and lagging indicators,” said Dr. Dear. “Then I was grabbed by a chart on tracking interventions… I continued to read more, and wanted to find out...
Ascendium Awards $1 Million Grant to IEBC Supporting Its ‘Caring Campus Initiative’
San Diego, Calif. – Ascendium Education Group, one of the nation’s leading higher education philanthropies, has awarded a one million dollar grant to the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) for the Caring Campus Initiative. The objective of this program is to increase student retention and success in community colleges by creating and cultivating Caring Campus environments through the intentional inclusion of all staff in student success efforts. Under the two-year grant, IEBC will work with 20 colleges from around the United States to participate in the Caring Campus Initiative, which is a coaching-based approach to connect all staff to students, ensuring that all staff play a role in removing barriers and enabling students to achieve success. Research has documented students leaving college because they do not feel connected to the institution (Tinto, Leaving College, 1993). Caring Campus recognizes and leverages the value of connectedness for increasing the likelihood that...
Ascendium Awards $1 Million Grant
San Diego, Calif. Ascendium Education Group, one of the nation’s leading higher education philanthropies, has awarded a one million dollar grant to the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) for the Caring Campus Initiative. The objective of this program is to increase student retention and success in community colleges by creating and cultivating Caring Campus environments through the intentional inclusion of all staff in student success efforts. Under the two-year grant, IEBC will work with 20 colleges from around the United States to participate in the Caring Campus Initiative, which is a coaching-based approach to connect all staff to students, ensuring that all staff play a role in removing barriers and enabling students to achieve success. Research has documented students leaving college because they do not feel connected to the institution (Tinto, Leaving College, 1993). Caring Campus recognizes and leverages the value of...
IEBC Newsletter – February 2019
February 2019 – Ascendium Awards $1 Million Grant to IEBC Supporting Its ‘Caring Campus Initiative’.
California does not have to start from scratch
In this commentary in EdSource, IEBC President Brad Phillips writes that the system can build on what we’ve already learned and must be both useful and easy to use. Read the full article in EdSource.
IEBC Newsletter – December 2018
December 2018 – Connections and Caring, Helping You Build A New Approach for Student Success.
NACEP – San Antonio, Texas
IEBC vice president Jordan Horowitz presented his popular workshop on the Partnership of Concurrent Enrollment and Data at the National Association of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) national conference. Reactions from a workshop earlier this year included… “I can’t believe I got so excited about analytics. Absolutely riveting” … “For my role on campus, this was the most helpful and interesting presentation of the entire conference.”
Hawaii ART Data Institute
IEBC president Brad Phillips enjoyed presenting workshops in Hawaii recently with dedicated educators. Data use is growing in Hawaii.
Strengthening Student Success Conference, in Orange County
Brad Phillips of IEBC and Ken Sherwood of Contra Costa College presented on “Effectively Using Data to Improve Student Success, A Practical Approach.”