
The Caring Campus Network & Academy – View the Webinar

This November 9 webinar introduced the new Caring Campus Network and the new Caring Campus Academy with IEBC President/CEO Brad Phillips, and IEBC Coaches Trudy Bers and Loredana Carson. Caring Campus is a culture-changing effort embraced by senior leadership at college campuses across the U.S. Results include improved staff job satisfaction; better relations between staff, faculty, and leadership; and increased student connectedness.

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Introducing: The Caring Campus Network & Academy

You are invited to learn about the new Caring Campus Network and the Caring Campus Academy. Caring Campus is a culture-changing effort embraced by senior leadership at college campuses across the U.S.. Results include increased student connectedness, a sense of belonging. Students who feel more connected to their college show higher rates…

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Caring Campus Toolkit Webinar

The IEBC Caring Campus Toolkit Webinar on August 2 included an outstanding presentation by Dr. Kelly Becker on the use of data in understanding impact.  Dr. Becker,  Assistant Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning at Oakton College in Illinois,  shared their experience collecting, analyzing and using data to understand the impact of their Persistence Project, aka Caring Campus.

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Dr. Bola King-Rushing joins IEBC’s Caring Campus Program

“We are delighted to welcome Dr. Bola King-Rushing as the Associate Vice President for Caring Campus and a Caring Campus Coach,” announced IEBC President Brad Phillips. His experience, expertise, commitment and more, are already a tremendous asset to the program and those we serve. “

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Caring Campus Toolkit

Caring Campus Toolkit – To support the continuous improvement of Caring Campus, this document has been created by IEBC and CCRC with tools you can use to monitor and assess the implementation and impact of Caring Campus at any stage of implementation.

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