Caring Campus: A Little Goes a Long Way
This Community College Research Center (CCRC) blog, “Student Perspectives on What Makes a Caring Campus: A Little Goes a Long Way” sheds light on the significance of Caring Campus’s efforts to improve outcomes for underserved students.
At the Hinds Community College Raymond Campus in Mississippi, Chief Evans “Caught in the Act of Caring”
Recently, Raymond Campus Police Chief Bart Evans was featured in the Hinds Community College newsletter for being “Caught in the Act of Caring” as a part of their Caring Campus initiative.
ICYMI: Top 10 Strategies to Better Serve Californians: High-impact Practices to Bring Back Underrepresented Students to California’s Community Colleges
Identified by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, this is a good read outlining the top high-impact practices deployed by California Community Colleges over the past three years.
Ascendium Awards New Grant to IEBC to Expand Caring Campus
Ascendium Education Group, one of the nation’s leading postsecondary education and workforce training philanthropies, has awarded a third grant to the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) for “Caring Campus.”
IEBC Newsletter – Seven Successful Caring Campus Strategies Used By Community College Presidents Revealed in Latest Research
In the fourth of its continuing series of research reports, the Community College Research Center (CCRC) at Teachers College, Columbia University examined the role of strategies…
Implementing Caring Campus: Strategies College Presidents Use to Improve Culture and Support Reform
In this fourth report from the Community College Research Center (CCRC) on the impact of Caring campus, CCRC presents their findings on building a more positive college culture.
Report: Implementing Caring Campus: Strategies College Presidents Use to Improve Culture and Support Reform
Despite research pointing to the crucial role nonacademic staff play in student success in higher education, large-scale reform efforts at community colleges and elsewhere typically focus little direct attention on interpersonal interactions between students and staff.
Faculty Caring Campus Roundtable Well Received
Growing the Flock and Ensuring Learning. IEBC’s Faculty Caring Campus Roundtable received excellent feedback from participants. Learn More and view the recording.
IEBC Newsletter – Supporting Student Success Through Dual Enrollment Programs
This March, the IEBC team has been on the road nearly as much as college basketball players playing in the NCAA tournament. At the National Summit for Dual Credit Programs held at South Texas College at South Padre Island, Texas, IEBC President and CEO Dr. Brad Phillips was a featured keynote speaker.
Malcolm X College Reaches Milestone as 100th ‘Caring Campus’ College in U.S.
Malcolm X College in Chicago became the 100th community college to join Caring Campus, the student success program of the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC). All seven City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) campuses now take part in IEBC’s Caring Campus…