IEBC News Releases
Chancellor’s Office Expands ‘Caring Campus’ Partnership with IEBC to Additional California Community College
San Diego, Calif. – The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) is expanding its partnership with the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC), implementing the ‘Caring Campus’ Initiative in California with an additional $500,000.
Ascendium Awards New $2 Million Grant to the Institute for Evidence-Based Change Supporting Its ‘Caring Campus Initiative’
San Diego, Calif. – Ascendium Education Group, one of the nation’s leading higher education philanthropies, has awarded a second grant to the Institute forEvidence-Based Change (IEBC) for the “Caring Campus Initiative.”
Community colleges launch ‘Caring Campus Initiative’ across the U.S.
Ten community colleges across the U.S. are now hard at work with the Institute for Evidence- Based Change (IEBC) to incorporate the ‘Caring Campus Initiative’ into their student success efforts for the fall 2019 semester.
Ascendium Awards $1 Million Grant to IEBC Supporting Its ‘Caring Campus Initiative’
San Diego, Calif. – Ascendium Education Group, one of the nation’s leading higher education philanthropies, has awarded a one million dollar grant to the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) for the Caring Campus Initiative. The objective of this program is to increase student retention and success in community colleges by creating and cultivating Caring Campus environments through the intentional inclusion of all staff in student success efforts. Under the two-year grant, IEBC will work with 20 colleges from around the United States to participate in the Caring Campus Initiative, which is a coaching-based approach to connect all staff to students, ensuring that all staff play a role in removing barriers and enabling students to achieve success. Research has documented students leaving college because they do not feel connected to the institution (Tinto, Leaving College, 1993). Caring Campus recognizes and leverages the value of connectedness for increasing the likelihood that...