Workshops & Webinars

NACEP – San Antonio, Texas

IEBC vice president Jordan Horowitz presented his popular workshop on the Partnership of Concurrent Enrollment and Data at the National Association of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) national conference. Reactions from a workshop earlier this year included… “I can’t believe I got so excited about analytics. Absolutely riveting” … “For my role on campus, this was the most helpful and interesting presentation of the entire conference.”

Hawaii ART Data Institute

IEBC president Brad Phillips enjoyed presenting workshops in Hawaii recently with dedicated educators. Data use is growing in Hawaii.

The Caring College

At Victor Valley College’s All College Day,  IEBC President Brad Phillips gave the keynote address and conducted the World Café workshop on “The Caring College,” a new approach to student engagement.

Achieving the Dream (ATD) Data and Analytics Summit

Brad Phillips of IEBC and Don Woods of Odessa College, Texas, co-presented Why it’s Better to Lead Than Lag: How Leading Indicators Can Drive Institutional Change at the ATD Plenary Session. The presentation focused on the leading indicators that were used to drive change at award-winning Odessa College. The summit was at the University of Maryland.   Also, the very popular IEBC workshop, “Telling Your Story with Data” was presented by Brad Phillips.

Learning Days at Delta College in Michigan

IEBC’s Brad Phillips gave the keynote address at Delta College’s Learning Days all-staff convocation.  He introduced Bright Spots and praised the college’s wonderful reception and dedicated and caring faculty, staff and administrators

National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP)

Feedback from a participant in this NACEP Midwest Conference where IEBC Vice President Jordan Horowitz presented on Leading and Lagging Indicators: “The BEST part of the program was Jordan Horowitz. WOW. He was fascinating. Absolutely fantastic and probably one of THE best conference sessions I’ve ever attended. He held my attention even though the session was about a dry subject and taught me new, critical things. He also gave me great information to follow up on.”  You can view the presentation here.

From the American Education Research Association (AERA) announcements: Webinar on Data-informed Leadership In partnership with the Institute for Educational Leadership, Jordan Horowitz, Vice President of the Institute for Evidence-Based Change conducted a webinar based on IEBC’s data use model. “Data-informed leadership” focused on “Improving student success by doing more with less.”

Lehigh Carbon Community College

IEBC President Brad Phillips, at Lehigh Carbon Community College in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania on January 12, presenting a keynote address on “Data Use and Courageous Conversations” followed by working sessions on high impact research-based practices and high impact practices focused on improving student success, retention and persistence.

Lakeshore Technical College

IEBC President Brad Phillips at Lakeshore Technical College, Wisconsin on January 10, with a keynote address on Demystifying Data, followed by workshops on “The Psychology of Data Use” and “How to Tell Your Story With Data.”