Three Caring Campus Community Colleges Named Aspen Prize Finalists

IEBC ASPEN1Three Caring Campus community colleges – Northwest Vista, Wallace State, and Moorpark community colleges – have been named 2025 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence finalists by the Aspen Institute. This recognition highlights their exceptional commitment to fostering a culture of care that drives student success.

Out of about 1,000 community colleges nationwide, these three institutions are among the 10 finalists chosen by the Aspen Institute. The Aspen Prize, awarded every two years, honors colleges that demonstrate high and improving levels of student success and equitable outcomes for students of color and those from lower-income backgrounds.

“Student success is at the heart of everything we do as a college,” Wallace State president Dr. Vicki Karolewics said. “Our intentional focus on providing holistic student services, informed and inspired by our work with Caring Campus, continues to help us move the needle on student success.”

After completing Caring Campus in 2020, Wallace State began implementing an annual Welcome Week, in which staff greet new and returning students, provide a Help Hub with directions to classes, provide technical assistance, and more. The college has also enhanced their holistic support with tele-mental health services, emergency aid collaboration, and professional development for staff.

Northwest Vista College in Texas recently completed Caring Campus training and launched Wildcat Welcome Days, which focuses on building personal connections with students to ensure a welcoming environment.

“Being an Aspen Prize finalist is incredible validation and motivation for our faculty and staff as it’s a tangible way they can see their work really does matter and impacts students,” Northwest Vista College president Dr. Amy Bosley said.

Moorpark College in California has integrated Caring Campus strategies by distributing branded t-shirts to staff, setting up welcome tables, and creating a resource page for students.

“Being named an Aspen Prize finalist is a reflection of our unwavering dedication to student success,” Moorpark College president Dr. Julius Sokenu said. “Caring Campus has played a crucial role in creating an inclusive and supportive environment where every student can thrive.”

The Aspen Institute evaluates colleges based on retention, completion, and transfer data, inviting only 150 to apply for the prize. The 10 finalists will undergo on-site evaluations in the coming months, with the winner announced in April 2025.

The significant presence of Caring Campus colleges among the finalists underscores the importance of a caring and student-centered campus culture.

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